Ee Bright Box 2 User Manual

Get help using your Bright Box 1(R) wireless router with EE's interactive device guide and troubleshooter.


Box 2 Play

  1. Prerequisites:
  2. A)Access to a telnet client on a pc with wired ethernet that you can
  3. B)A list of the following information for your new service provider:
  4. Broadband Username:
  5. Protocol: PPPoA / PPPoE
  6. Encapsulation: LLC / VC MUX
  7. IP Address: (if static)
  8. DNS IP Address: or obtain from ISP
  9. Secondary DNS: or obtain from ISP
  10. Connection Type: always connected / triggered by traffic
  11. Authentication Protocol: CHAP / PAP / Auto
  12. (It helps to disable other network connection that could interfere, if
  13. 2: Connect brightbox via Ethernet cable to PC and Turn the
  14. 3:Login to the webUI at with the admin details
  15. printed on your brightbox.4:Go to the following URL in another Browser Tab
  16. Click on the Manufacturer mode and click the confirm to the
  17. 5:Wait for around 4 minutes, get a brew then turn the router off
  18. 6:On your PC open a Telnet connection by opening a command
  19. line and typing telnet, windows users may need to download and
  20. install Putty Telnet /SSH client, Linux will do Telnet from terminal
  21. natively in most Distros. So in linux you enter the following
  22. Open
  23. Admin
  24. Then you should get the Brightbox promt asking for username
  25. (Admin) and Password (password). Once logged in you will get a
  26. 8:Wait 5 minutes you will see output like: Register LANDevice
  27. Message Q 0x0 create
  28. Run Tr69_TimerTask task id=0xc04
  29. If this has not changed after a few minutes press Ctr+C to return
  30. You should see:
  31. Reinit Successfully !9:Go back to your web browser and Log into the WebUI like before
  32. Password:password
  33. Now go and change all of your ADSL settings to your new ISP
  34. EXCEPT for username leave that, Note because we restored
  35. factory firmware settings it will have forgotten all of the advanced
  36. Broadband ADSL settings So make sure you have them to hand
  37. /bin/util_ccfg_cli get username@wan#001
  38. And it may output your existing setting, of not don't worry continue
  39. /bin/util_ccfg_cli set
  40. obviously substitute for your real
  41. 12:Check that it has changed by doing step 9 again.
  42. 13:enter the following:
  43. This is important otherwise your changes will not be saved
  44. 14:enter the following:
  45. rebootNow you can wait and log in to the WebUI to see your changed
  46. note however that the pages Javascript will not let you save any
  47. settings on that page, hence why we changed them before in step
  48. 9.if you got some wrong or forgot some then you can either change
  49. the username in the webUI back to the old one and re-enter
  50. setting then repeat what we just did, or you can set the settings
  51. via telnet just like we did with the username, but 'getting' and
  52. 'setting' different parameters of that wan#001 section,
  53. The list of these TR69 sections and params are available by
  54. entering: /bin/util_ccfg_cli showcfg If this does not produce a
  55. list of settable parameters then the list is available on the pastebin