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What survival concept does each letter in the word SURVIVAL stand for?
S- Size up the situation
U- Use all your senses
R- Remember where you are
V- Vanquish fear and panic
I- Improvise
V-Value living
A- Act like the natives
L- Live by your wits, but for now learn basic skills
What is the FM that covers 'Survival'?
What would your reaction be to an overhead flare at night?
Immediately crouch or lie down, stop all movement and close one eye to keep 'night vision' in one, while scanning with the other
What are the 9 common senses of Dehydration? (You may only have to name about 5 in a board)
- Dark urine with a very strong odor
- Dark, Sunken eyes
- Low urine output
- Fatigue
- Loss of skin elasticity
- Emotional instability
- Thirst
- 'Trench line' down center of tongue
- Delayed capillary refill in the fingernail beds
What are the basic rules for water consumption in an arid area?
- At temperatures below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, drink one pint of water every hour.
- At temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, drink one quart of water every hour
Is it always safe to eat and drink what the animals eat and drink?
No, some animals are able to eat and drink something that may be harmful to humans
In any situation, cleanliness is an important factor in preventing infection and disease. It becomes even more important in a survival situation. Poor hygiene can reduce your chances of survival. What are some key areas to focus on to maintain good personal hygiene?
- Keep your hands clean
- Keep your hair clean
- Keep your clothing clean
- Keep your teeth clean
- Take care of your feet
- Get sufficient rest
Name 4 crucial factors in staying healthy
- Having adequate food and water
- good personal hygiene
- Getting sufficient rest
- Keeping your immunizations up-to-date.
Develop a survival pattern that lets you beat the enemies of survival. This survival pattern must include food, water, shelter, fire, first aid, and signals placed in order of importance. For example, in a cold environment, you would need a fire to get warm; a shelter to protect you from the cold, wind, and rain or snow; traps or snares to get food; a means to signal friendly aircraft; and first aid to maintain health. If injured, first aid has top priority no matter what climate you are in. What is Stress?
Stress is not a disease that you cure and eliminate. Instead, it is a condition we all experience. Stress can be described as our reaction to pressure. It is the name given to the experience we have as we physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually respond to life's tensions.
Do we need STRESS?
Yes, it has many positive benefits. Stress provides us with challenges; it gives us chances to learn about our values and strengths. The goal is to have stress, but not an excess of it. Too much stress can take its toll on people and organizations. Too much stress leads to distress. Distress causes an uncomfortable tension that we try to escape and, preferably, avoid.
What are a few of the common signs of distress you may find in yourself or fellow soldiers you may find when faced with too much stress?
- Difficulty making decisions
- Angry Outbursts
- Forgetfulness
- Low energy levels
- Constant worrying
- Propensity for mistakes
- Thoughts about death or suicide
- Trouble getting along with others
- Withdrawing from others
- Hiding from responsibilities
- Carelessness
What are some of the natural reactions / emotions you are likely to experience in a survival situation?
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Anger
- Frustration
- Depression
- Loneliness
- Boredom
- Guilt
What are some of the difficulties in operating in arid areas?
Us Army Field Manual Survival
- It is hard to find food, water and shelter.
- Physical movement is demanding.
- Land navigation is difficult.
- There is limited cover and concealment.
What are some methods of improving the taste of wild plants?
What heat effects must be considered in an arid area?
- Direct sun
- Reflective heat gain
- Conductive heat gain
- Hot blowing winds
Why should you only drink milk from green coconuts rather than ripe mature coconuts?

The milk from the Mature Ripe coconuts contain an oil that acts like a laxative
What are a few types of stresses that you could be exposed to in a Survival setting?
- Injury, Illness or Death
- Uncertainty and Lack of Control
- Environment
- Hunger and thirst
- Fatigue
- Isolation
What is the depth of a hasty fighting position?
An area that cannot be fired upon within a weapons sector.
What is “Scanning�
Focusing your attention on an object without looking directly at it. (The proper method to scan is to move your eyes in short, irregular movements)
What would your reaction be to an overhead flare?
Immediately crouch or lie down, and stop all movement
What is the Low-crawl used for?
To move through places where concealment is limited and enemy fire prevents you from getting up
In order to maintain your heath, what rules must you follow?
- Prevent dehydration
- Eat sufficient food
- Maintain high personal hygiene.
When you have been firing from one position, what should you do before you move?
Roll or crawl a short distance from your position before moving
What is the High-crawl used for?
When concealment is good, but enemy fire prevents you from getting up
What is the most important need in a survival situation?

What are the five factors for selecting a hide site when evading the enemy?
B -blends in with the surroundings
L -low in silhouette
I -irregular in shape
S -small in size
S -secluded.
What should you avoid when seeking shelter?
- Identify the threat’s capabilities
- Avoid detection
- Use countermeasures against the enemy
- Apply realistic camouflage
- minimize movement
- Use decoys
- continuously avoid detection
- Avoid operational/terrain patterns.
What is a 'Rally Point'?
An area where a platoon or section moves when it has become dispersed.
When you move through tall grass, why do you change direction from time to time?
After hiding for several days, it is an area where you can recuperate and get or prepare food.
What is a Recon Patrols mission?
To provide accurate information on the enemy and terrain.
When is it most feasible to travel while in a survival situation?
When should an evader attempt to contact friendly troops once near?
When there is enough light to be identified by the friendly forces.
What are the three types of operation orders?
- Situation
- Mission
- Execution
- Support
- Command & Control.
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When marching on roads during daylight hours, what is the recommended distance between soldiers?
- 2-5 meters between soldiers
- 50 meters between platoons
- 100 meters between companies.
When marching on roads during night hours, what is the recommended distance between soldiers?
- 1-3 meters between soldiers
- 25meters between platoons
- 50 meters between companies.
When constructing a defensive position as a platoon or squad, what should the rest of the platoon or squad be doing?
Operations conducted to gather mission critical information.
What is 'manually supporting fire'?
When weapons are placed in support of neighboring fighting positions (interlaced fields of fire).
What are the three types of movement techniques used in combat?
When marching, what is the distance that should be covered during the night on a road or cross country?
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- Road = 3.2kilometers per hour
- Cross Country = 1.6kilometers per hour
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When marching, what is the distance that should be covered during daylight hours on a road or cross country?
Road = 4 kilometers per hour
Cross Country = 2.4 kilometers per hour
How long does it take for your eyes to develop their 'night vision'?
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What formation is normally used during tactical road marches?