Apple Macintosh Instruction Manuals (User Guides) As per reader requests, direct links to official Apple Macintosh instruction manuals in PDF format - hosted by Apple's own support site- are provided below as well as on the specs page for each G3 and newer Mac. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Search Support.

One thing that I hear a lot of complaints about from new Apple customers is that the company doesn't ship user manuals with its products. There are some good reasons for that -- the company most likely found that the vast majority of people never read manuals in the first place, manuals quickly go out of date, they take up space in boxes, and they're wasteful. Well, Apple does publish user manuals for many of its products, and here's how to get them.
Just point your web browser to and you'll find that there are seven manuals available:

Apple Imac User Manual Guide Pdf Free
In each of the manuals there is a wealth of information that goes way beyond what many customers are cognizant of. For example, most beginning iPhone users can figure out how to dial the phone, send text messages, and launch apps. But there's nothing that shows them how to take advantage of settings, make folders on the home screen, or how to use the built-in apps. The manuals have all of that information, and more.
Apple Imac User Manual Guide Pdf Download
The publication method for each manual varies; some are web-only, while others are available also as PDF documents and iBooks, and not every product is covered... but for the new owner of a MacBook Air, for example, a lot of what is found in the 12-inch Retina MacBook manual can be useful. The manuals are available in English and a variety of other languages.
I hope this helps.
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Apple Imac 21.5 User Manual
Dec 3, 2006 5:31 PM