How To Create An End User Manual

It is the same for every other modules although here I reference it mainly for SAP HR.

1) You should understand which targeted group for the end-user training is for. Do they have any computer background or not.

2) In what way they are going to make use of the manuals supplied to them during the course of training.

Let us focus on how to prepare SAP user manuals:

Jul 17, 2018  Here's how to create user-friendly work instructions. Check out our 5 best practices in this blog post. Unclear work instructions are extremely frustrating for both companies and end-users, and end up creating far more problems than they actually solve. Step 8 Create the Content for Your User Manual Template Write the Intended Use. The purpose of your product, or better: the intended use. Write the safety warnings based on the risk analysis. Create all other content. Now I asked Philip to create all other content, such as the procedures.

In the client side, End Users are not permanent. If they get any better job outside they will resign and go out. Even if you train them well, again the end-user team disappears after some time. That is why implementing company( Client ) expects SAP Consultants to prepare documents which are self explanatory (even to a layman in SAP) and study themselves and use the sap easy access very comfortably.

Hence we should prepare a document which explains the following things comfortably:

A) All the buttons and Screens we have in SAP and its importance for an end-user.

B) All the transaction codes used by end user.

C) The STEP by STEP usage methodology with screen shots and explanatory foot notes for each Transaction code.

D) Prepare a book a table and columns which should have the following information:
- S.NO.
- Transaction Codes
- Navigation path
- Use of the Code
- Expected Result
- Achieved Result
- Remarks/Any Comment

E) Highlight the common troubles during the usage of SAP by an end-user and give the solutions (ready to use).
These problems you can come across while giving the in house training for the end-users. You just place them at one place and publish it for their usage in future for any of their new joinees as an end-user.

F) Every consultant is aware that the entire Organsiational Management is with end user only. Means consultant should train the end user in entire OM.

G) We should inform the importance of info types and usage for our purposes at expert mode, PA30, PA40 etc.,

H) Each field in the international infotypes should be explained very clearly and ensure that they are comfortable with the fields of infotypes which have been configured for their company.

How To Create An End User Manual Download


For example : info type 0001 Org Assignment insists about the three structures of the HR. We should explain each sub field like Emp Group, Emp Sub Group, Personnel Area and Sub Area and its importance and relevance to their company so as to understand while processing them from the end-user point of view .

When an employee is hired into the company, now the end-user in a position to understand which employee group and subgroup, Personnel Area And Sub Area etc., should allotted..

Like this whatever comes across in SAP Easy Access should be insisted through the training of end users.

I) Demo, exercises and solutions should be provided in the manuals.

J) Glossary of terms and expansion of Acronyms, Abbreviations should be given. Like this each consultant should focus on end user training and prepare the documents.

By using Paperturn, you can easily and automatically convert your existing user manual PDF file into an online user manual.
Your online user manual will have the look of a 'real' (physical) user manual, with facing 'flip turn' effect pages, and will benefit from inbuilt qualities designed to strengthen your online presence. Create an online user manual by using the Paperturn flipbook system.

Create an online user manual

When you use Paperturn to convert your existing user manual PDF file, the pages of your new online user manual are positioned facing each other, and are turned using our flip turn effect – giving your reader the feel of a 'real' (physical) user manual – there are no long files for your reader to scroll through, meaning that your manual will be both easy to read and, crucially, to engage with.

Reduce your costs for support

As the owner of a Paperturn online manual, you will be able to direct customers with queries to links / relevant portion of your manual – where they can find the answers to their queries, thereby removing the need for you to spend time/money in drafting answers to customer queries.How

This is possible because the individual pages of the online user manual are given their own addresses (URLs), as opposed to one complete file with only one address (URL).
Paperturn optimizes the online user manual for being found in Google when users are searching for its content - meaning that your customers are more likely to find the solutions on their own - again, saving you both time and money.

Your online presence is strengthened

The online user manual will form new valuable content that can be added to a range of online platforms (website, Facebook, etc.). Your online user manual will constantly be accessible, when your customers need it.
Having an online user manual means that your customers will always have access to the most 'up to date' information available. This is because the online user manual can easily be overwritten / updated without any loss of its existing features and settings. How
If a mistake is spotted in the online user manual and you have a PDF file with a correction of that mistake, then the original PDF file can simply be overwritten by the new PDF file. The existing features and settings of the online user manual will automatically be sustained.
As online use of your user manual increases – your physical user manual may eventually become obsolete. Both time and money will be saved; it will no longer be necessary to go through the troublesome and cost-intensive steps that are involved in changing a physical user manual, and your printing and distribution costs could be vastly reduced. If a mistake is noticed in the online user manual it is not necessary to re-print and re-distribute new material; the changes are simply made online.

How to create your online user manual

The creation of an online user manual presupposes that you have a PDF file with a user manual. In a few minutes, your existing PDF file will be automatically turned into an online user manual

How To Create An End User Manual 2017

Customize your user manual here

Online user instructions

A user manual is often comprehensive as it addresses many issues, e.g. requirements, installation, user instructions, disclaimer etc. If it isn't necessary to cover all these topics, and the only thing needed is online user instructions, Paperturn is fully capable of making just that.

Create online user instructions

Paperturn can be utilized for creating online user instructions regarding digital as well as physical products. The only prerequisite is that you have an existing PDF file with user instructions.

By using Paperturn, a PDF file with user instructions can be turned into online user instructions. As opposed to traditional user instructions (printed as a catalogue etc), it is possible to integrate a video into the online user instructions. For instance, if there is a video on YouTube that instructs the viewers in using a certain product, this video can be incorporated into online user instructions that deal with the same product. This is easily created in the settings of Paperturn.