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Night Trap Sega Cd Manual Download Free
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- Developer: Electronic Arts
- Genre: Arcade/Action
- Originally on: Sega CD (1992)
- Works on: PC, Windows
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Don't Try The Zinfandel
Something very strange is going on at the Martin's winery estate. Five young coeds have disappeared behind its oak doors.
The police are stumped.
They've called the Sega Control Attack Team. SCAT has called you. Welcome to Assignment No. 230, Code Name NIGHT TRAP. Sega's Night Trap is a game like no other. For one thing, it's the first game that can truly be called an interactive movie — a movie where you are the star, and you control the action. You decide how and when to act, as you help the plot unfold to its thrilling climax.
Night Trap is also the first game to give you interactive game play with digitized film footage and a live sound track. And although it's a game, the production is pure
Hollywood, with professional actors and actresses (including Dana Plato of Different Strokes), and spectacular special effects.
Everything was filmed and recorded just like a regular movie. The budget was pure Hollwood also, running into millions of dol-lars, and taking years to complete.
The Mission

You are a member of S.C.A.T., the Sega Control Attack Team. Commander Simms has called in your team to investigate the mysterious disappearance of five people at Victor Martin's winery estate. 0l' Victor has not been cooperative, so S.C.A.T. has secretly patched into the house security system, a clever and nasty collection of traps covering eight rooms. You control them all by remote camera and the Genesis control pad. The traps are protected by an access code with six color variations. The Martins can change the access code to prevent you from triggering traps until you discover the right color code.
Sega Cd Rom Download
Now comes the hard part. Five more beautiful coeds are coming to spend the night at the Martin estate. One of the group is Kelli Medd (Dana Plato), an undercover S.C.A.T. agent. Using the security system, you must protect the girls from whatever harm awaits, picking up clues from conversations. Most of the figures you must trap are the black wrapped ghouls called Augers. You'll hear a beep and see the counter increase whenever they enter the house. A trap indicator lets you keep track of how many you have put away
The problem is, you don't know which room they have used to enter the house. If you are not at the right place at the right time, you can miss the opportunity to make a trap. Your timing has to be precise...right down to the split second. The key to trapping is keeping an eye on the proximity meter. When it peaks at red, hit the button. If you timed it right...and if the Martins have not changed the access color, you'll see an Auger get slam dunked, gassed or otherwise taken out of the game.
Solve the mystery and you will leam the Martin estate's gristly secrets. Fail...and the coeds may wind up more than just anemic.
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System Requirements
Night Trap Sega Cd 32x
Processor: PC compatible, P-100
OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.
Game Features:Single game mode
Dear Agent,This is your assignment: use the surveillance equipment in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Martin to make sure no harm comes to the five guests staying there. You can't trust these hosts, however, and watch out for the dark-clad thugs lurking about.
This Night Trap, the latest CD-ROM game for the Sega CD! Under my orders, you have access to camera and audio equipment installed in eight rooms of the house, including the driveway. Scan each room, looking for anything suspicious. If you find one of the prowlers lurking about, you can capture him using the trap in that room. These traps, strangely enough, were installed by the house owners and are all activated by a color code. If the owners catch on to what is happening, they will change the code and you'll have to figure out the new colors! For the traps to work, a person must be standing on a certain spot. A beeping sound is heard when one of these intruders is in the kill zone.
If you let too many nasties escape,I will personally take you off the mission! Also remember that you'll be relieved of duty if you trap a guest you're supposed to protect By the way, we have a spy among the five girls who will help you out whenever possible.Using live action sequences, become the guardian, of those guests! But don't get distracted too long in one room: there is always time for someone to fall prey to the Night Trap!