Pride Gogo Elite Traveller Plus User Manual

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V I I I . B A S I C T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G

Any electromechanical device occasionally requires some troubleshooting. However, most of the prob-

lems that may arise can usually be solved with a bit of thought and common sense. Many of these problems

occur because the batteries are not fully charged or because the batteries are worn down and can no longer

Pride Gogo Elite Traveller Plus User Manual

hold a charge.


The diagnostic beep codes for your Travel Scooter are designed to help you perform basic troubleshooting

quickly and easily. A diagnostic beep code will sound in the event one of the conditions listed below develops.

NOTE: Your Travel Scooter will not run unless the beep code condition is resolved and the Travel

Scooter has been turned off, then turned back on.

What if all the systems on my Travel Scooter seem to be “dead”?

Make certain that the key is in the “on” position.

Check that the batteries are fully charged.

Push in the main circuit breaker reset button. See III. “Your Travel Scooter.”

Make certain that the battery pack is seated properly.

Be sure the power down timer feature has not been activated. See V. “Oper-


Check the tiller console fuse located under the battery pack.

To check a fuse:

1. Remove the fuse by pulling it out of its slot.

2. Examine the fuse to be sure it is blown. See figures 24 and 25.

3. Insert a new fuse of the proper rating.

WARNING! The replacement fuse must exactly match the rating

of the old fuse. Failure to use properly rated fuses may cause

damage to the electrical system.

Figure 24. Working Fuse

Figure 25. Blown Fuse





Battery voltage is too low to operate the

Travel Scooter.

Charge fully until charger and any meters

indicate completion.


Battery voltage is too high to operate the


Travel Scooter.

Contact your authorized Pride Provider for



Solenoid brake trip. The manual freewheel

lever may be in the freewheel position.

Remove the key, then push the manual free-

wheel lever to the drive position, restart your

Travel Scooter.


Throttle trip. The throttle control lever

may have been depressed while inserting

the key.

Release the throttle control lever completely,

then reinsert the key.


Throttle trip. The throttle control lever

may have been depressed while inserting

the key.

Contact your authorized Pride Provider for



The Travel Scooter’s motor is


Contact your authorized Pride Provider for



Possible controller trip. You may be

attempting to install the battery pack while-

the key is inserted or the motor controller-

may be in overheat protective mode.

Shut down your Travel Scooter for a minimum

of several minutes to allow the controller to

cool. Or, try reinserting the key into the key


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I I I . Y O U R T R A V E L S C O O T E R

Horn Button

This button activates a warning horn. Your

Travel Scooter must be turned on for the horn to

be operational. Do not hesitate to use the warn-

ing horn when doing so may prevent accident or


Speed Adjustment Dial

This dial allows you to preselect and limit your

Travel Scooter’s top speed.

The image of the tortoise represents the

slowest speed setting.

The image of the hare represents the fastest

speed setting.



Figure 6. Rear Section


Battery Condition Meter

Pride Gogo Elite Traveller Plus User Manual Guide

When the key is fully inserted into the key switch, this meter indicates approximate battery strength. For

further information on the battery condition meter, see IV. “Batteries and Charging.”

Pride Gogo Elite Traveller Plus Owner's Manual


The manual freewheel lever, anti-tip wheels, and motor/transaxle assembly are located on the rear section

of your Travel Scooter. See figure 6.

WARNING! Before placing your Travel Scooter into or taking it out of freewheel mode,

remove the key from the key switch. Never sit on a Travel Scooter when it is in freewheel

mode. Never put a Travel Scooter in freewheel mode on any incline.

Manual Freewheel Lever

Whenever you need or want to push your Travel Scooter for short distances, you can put it in

freewheel mode.

1. Locate the manual freewheel lever at the top right of the rear section.

2. Push forward on the manual freewheel lever to disable the drive system and the brake system.

3. You may now push your Travel Scooter.

4. Push the manual freewheel lever rearward to reengage the drive and the brake systems; this takes your

Travel Scooter out of freewheel mode.

WARNING! When your Travel Scooter is in freewheel mode, the braking system is


Disengage the drive motors only on a level surface.

Ensure the key is removed from the key switch.

Stand to the side of the Travel Scooter to engage or disengage freewheel mode.

Pride Gogo Elite Manual

Never sit on a Travel Scooter to do this.

After you have finished pushing your Travel Scooter, always return it to the drive

mode to lock the brakes.

Anti-Tip Wheels

Pride Gogo Elite Traveller Parts

The anti-tip wheels are an integral and important safety feature of your Travel Scooter. They are bolted to

the frame at the rear of the Travel Scooter.

PROHIBITED! Do not remove the anti-tip wheels or modify your Travel Scooter in any way

that is not authorized by Pride.

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