View and Download Majestic WM36A installation manual online. Heat Circulating fireplace. WM36A Indoor Fireplace pdf manual download. WFK42 - Warm Majic Fireplace Blower for Majestic WM42-SX Wood Fireplace. Majestic WFK42 - Warm Majic Fireplace Blower for Majestic WM42-SX Wood Fireplace. The instruction manual provided may not include specific information about your exact fireplace model, though we try to provide technical support in assisting you.

Majestic Wm42sx Manual Download Free

Haynes Manual Download
A customer just purchased this foreclosed house which was built in 1996. It has 2 majestic fireplace, both model WM42SX, one of which has 'traditional' firebox sides and back made of steel, the other firebox has a similar interior except that there is an additional steel plate mounted off of the back wall and is the same dimensions of that back wall. This extra plate is not flat, it is bent into a curve, which protrudes about 5 inches into the firebox. I do not know if this was manufacturer installed, or scabbed in. It does look like it was built by someone who knows how to work with heavy metal. Does anyone know what this extra piece in the firebox might be? Why would these two, apparently the same model, have this different firebox? Does anyone know where I can locate an installation/ operating manual for this fireplace?
It seems like something that is less then 20 years old (these fireplaces) should be fairly easy to get information about, but I can find nothing on the internet. The current homeowner spent several hours on the web, and on the telephone seeking information also. Are we coming to be an age of throw away fireplaces?
Thanks for any help you can provide
Fred Wark Olde England Chimney Pinckney MI
It seems like something that is less then 20 years old (these fireplaces) should be fairly easy to get information about, but I can find nothing on the internet. The current homeowner spent several hours on the web, and on the telephone seeking information also. Are we coming to be an age of throw away fireplaces?
Thanks for any help you can provide
Fred Wark Olde England Chimney Pinckney MI